Monday, April 29, 2013

How to exercise?


Is the curriculum of fitness exercises for muscle development and success in sports?
In every branch of sport different curricula exist for body ie muscle development in general. The coach determines the curriculum based on the athlete and the sport need to take it.
Some of the core curriculum as regards dealing with fitness athletes are: plan programs that have the primary aim of increasing muscle mass and force, plan programs for muscle definition and elaboration of plans and programs for weight loss and body.

Many times has been confirmed by different coach that exercises based on specific curriculum bring many benefits and successes that the exercise was to appoint an individual athletes themselves. Exercises individually selected many times have resulted in muscle injury and muscle development disproportionate meaning is part of the muscle developed more than tjeter.Kjo part is due to mosnjohurise that certain exercises, dedicated group the muscle. For this reason fitness trainers should definitely plan to have programs designed beforehand, or you compile them according to purpose and interest sportsman order proportional to muscle development in general.
Develop curriculum must be based on the conditions that it has a fitness room that is based on the machines and exercises that can be applied, and according to the needs and scope of the sportsman. During the development of curriculum for dealing with fitness athlete, coach must have knowledge of muscle fiber and whole body muscles in general, and must have knowledge of each exercise and its influence on muscle caktuar.Kur coach has knowledge complete at least in these two things, then he should assign exercises for each muscle group and exercises based on the series and sets the repetition of the exercise, in order to develop a whole muscle without excessive contraction, because TRAINING exaggerated if a muscle is doing more exercises and series may be coming to injury and reducing its course towards all men considering the type of construction of the athlete body.

We know that a muscle consists of many muscle fibers. No exercise can not develop all the fibers of a muscle. Each exercise affects different thread of the same muscle.
As for example, the pectoral muscle is composed of many muscle fibers respectively muskujve.Per groups complete their development needs five exercises that hit parts of it, as is the upper part, middle, bottom, and the inner part of exterior.
In this case does not mean that five exercises needed for full development of the chest, because if done right kind of combination of exercises sufficient in only four exercises for hitting all parts of the development and strengthening them. Also bicep for example if we take its full development requires three exercises that should hit its five parts, part of the inner, outer portion, the upper, middle and bottom of your bicep, of course applying variations of exercises certain.
So for every muscle group in the body and there are parts of distinct muscle fiber which should be developed and strengthened with different exercises and aimed for a certain part.
This clearly shows that unplanned exercise program may not have proper development of muscle and equitable, and in this case can not be achieved or purpose of which is also sportsman SUCCESS.